Tennis Italy ITF F18 2024/2025 Live Scores, Fixtures, Standings and Results


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July 14 2018
Jelle Sels Zhizhen Zhang
19:00 Ended
Jelle Sels
6 6
Zhizhen Zhang
0 3
July 13 2018
Jelle Sels Sebastian Fanselow
17:20 Ended
Jelle Sels
6 6
Sebastian Fanselow
4 2
Genaro Alberto Olivieri Zhizhen Zhang
14:30 Ended
Genaro Alberto Olivieri
7 5 4
Zhizhen Zhang
5 7 6
July 12 2018
Jelle Sels Maxime Chazal
19:00 Ended
Jelle Sels
6 7
Maxime Chazal
3 6
Sebastian Fanselow Matias Zukas
11:50 Ended
Sebastian Fanselow
6 3 6
Matias Zukas
1 6 3
Davide Galoppini Genaro Alberto Olivieri
9:30 Ended
Davide Galoppini
6 4
Genaro Alberto Olivieri
7 6
Camilo Ugo Carabelli Zhizhen Zhang
9:30 Ended
Camilo Ugo Carabelli
3 3
Zhizhen Zhang
6 6
July 11 2018
Francesco Forti Davide Galoppini
16:55 Ended
Francesco Forti
4 6 3
Davide Galoppini
6 1 6
Jelle Sels Antoine Cornut-Chauvinc
14:45 Ended
Jelle Sels
6 7
Antoine Cornut-Chauvinc
1 6
Wilson Leite Zhizhen Zhang
12:45 Ended
Wilson Leite
6 6 4
Zhizhen Zhang
4 7 6
Genaro Alberto Olivieri Samuel Bensoussan
12:05 Ended
Genaro Alberto Olivieri
6 6
Samuel Bensoussan
0 3
Maxime Chazal Peter Torebko
11:00 Ended
Maxime Chazal
5 6 7
Peter Torebko
7 4 6
Matteo Martineau Camilo Ugo Carabelli
9:30 Ended
Matteo Martineau
6 4 4
Camilo Ugo Carabelli
3 6 6
Matias Zukas Bruno Santanna
9:30 Ended
Matias Zukas
6 6 7
Bruno Santanna
1 7 5
Sebastian Fanselow Lorenzo Frigerio
9:30 Ended
Sebastian Fanselow
6 6
Lorenzo Frigerio
1 2
July 10 2018
Rafael Matos Zhizhen Zhang
19:00 Ended
Rafael Matos
3 6
Zhizhen Zhang
6 7
Antoine Cornut-Chauvinc Lucas Gomez
17:00 Ended
Antoine Cornut-Chauvinc
6 6
Lucas Gomez
4 4
Juan Pablo Paz Samuel Bensoussan
14:45 Ended
Juan Pablo Paz
7 2 0
Samuel Bensoussan
6 6 6
Lorenzo Frigerio Michel Vernier
13:30 Ended
Lorenzo Frigerio
7 6
Michel Vernier
5 1
Sebastian Fanselow Filippo Leonardi
13:05 Ended
Sebastian Fanselow
6 6
Filippo Leonardi
3 3
Andrea Guerrieri Genaro Alberto Olivieri
11:00 Ended
Andrea Guerrieri
4 3
Genaro Alberto Olivieri
6 6
Omar Giacalone Davide Galoppini
11:00 Ended
Omar Giacalone
6 3 3
Davide Galoppini
2 6 6
Ivan Gakhov Jelle Sels
10:00 Ended
Ivan Gakhov
6 4 4
Jelle Sels
4 6 6
July 09 2018
Camilo Ugo Carabelli Giulio Zeppieri
19:00 Ended
Camilo Ugo Carabelli
7 6
Giulio Zeppieri
5 3
Pascal Meis Peter Torebko
15:35 Ended
Pascal Meis
6 1
Peter Torebko
7 6
Andres Gabriel Ciurletti Bruno Santanna
12:40 Ended
Andres Gabriel Ciurletti
4 1
Bruno Santanna
6 6
Adelchi Virgili Francesco Forti
12:25 Ended
Adelchi Virgili
4 4
Francesco Forti
6 6
Mirko Cutuli Matteo Martineau
12:10 Ended
Mirko Cutuli
4 3
Matteo Martineau
6 6
Gijs Brouwer Matteo Martineau
11:10 Cancelled
Gijs Brouwer
Matteo Martineau
Wilson Leite Luis Patino
9:30 Ended
Wilson Leite
5 6 6
Luis Patino
7 2 0
Matias Zukas Bastian Malla
9:30 Ended
Matias Zukas
3 6 6
Bastian Malla
6 3 4
Maxime Chazal Simone Roncalli
9:30 Ended
Maxime Chazal
6 7
Simone Roncalli
4 6
June 25 2017
Pietro Rondoni Adrian Obert
16:30 Ended
Pietro Rondoni
6 6
Adrian Obert
3 1
June 24 2017
Lorenzo Frigerio Adrian Obert
15:30 Ended
Lorenzo Frigerio
2 6 1
Adrian Obert
6 2 6
Pietro Rondoni Javier Marti
15:30 Ended
Pietro Rondoni
6 3 6
Javier Marti
3 6 3
June 23 2017
Sebastian Prechtel Lorenzo Frigerio
15:00 Ended
Sebastian Prechtel
6 2
Lorenzo Frigerio
7 6
Cristian Carli Adrian Obert
13:00 Ended
Cristian Carli
1 4
Adrian Obert
6 6
Javier Marti Adrian Bodmer
13:00 Ended
Javier Marti
6 6
Adrian Bodmer
1 2
Walter Trusendi Pietro Rondoni
12:30 Ended
Walter Trusendi
7 5 2
Pietro Rondoni
6 7 6
June 22 2017
Pietro Rondoni Jacopo Stefanini
16:05 Ended
Pietro Rondoni
6 6
Jacopo Stefanini
3 4
Filippo Leonardi Lorenzo Frigerio
14:15 Ended
Filippo Leonardi
6 7 3
Lorenzo Frigerio
7 6 6
Adrian Obert Marco Bortolotti
13:05 Ended
Adrian Obert
6 3 6
Marco Bortolotti
3 6 1
Javier Marti Davide Della Tommasina
12:10 Ended
Javier Marti
7 6
Davide Della Tommasina
5 1
Sebastian Prechtel Marcelo Zormann
10:00 Ended
Sebastian Prechtel
6 7
Marcelo Zormann
3 6
Adrian Bodmer Nicola Ghedin
10:00 Ended
Adrian Bodmer
6 3 6
Nicola Ghedin
3 6 3
Walter Trusendi Francesco Forti
10:00 Ended
Walter Trusendi
7 6
Francesco Forti
5 2
Adelchi Virgili Cristian Carli
10:00 Ended
Adelchi Virgili
4 7 3
Cristian Carli
6 6 6
June 21 2017
Francesco Vilardo Adrian Obert
18:55 Ended
Francesco Vilardo
2 4
Adrian Obert
6 6
Nicola Ghedin Michele Longo
15:45 Ended
Nicola Ghedin
6 6
Michele Longo
3 2
Cristian Carli Giovanni Rizzuti
10:50 Ended
Cristian Carli
7 6
Giovanni Rizzuti
5 3