Table Tennis Europe European Team Championships 2025/2026 Live Scores, Fixtures, Standings and Results


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January 25
Ignas Sisanovas Alex Naumi
20:50 To be fixed
Ignas Sisanovas
Alex Naumi
Kestutis Zeimys Benedek Olah
20:15 To be fixed
Kestutis Zeimys
Benedek Olah
Martin Froseth Ibrahim Gunduz
19:50 To be fixed
Martin Froseth
Ibrahim Gunduz
Lukas Rimkus Aleksi Rasanen
19:40 Ended
Lukas Rimkus
10 4 8
Aleksi Rasanen
12 11 11
Borgar Haug Abdullah Yigenler
19:30 To be fixed
Borgar Haug
Abdullah Yigenler
Alexander Fransson Ziver Gunduz
19:10 Ended
Alexander Fransson
7 7 7
Ziver Gunduz
11 11 11
Ignas Sisanovas Benedek Olah
19:05 Ended
Ignas Sisanovas
6 7 11 6
Benedek Olah
11 11 7 11
Martin Froseth Abdullah Yigenler
18:50 Ended
Martin Froseth
7 11 4 5
Abdullah Yigenler
11 8 11 11
Borgar Haug Ibrahim Gunduz
18:30 Ended
Borgar Haug
11 6 9 7
Ibrahim Gunduz
5 11 11 11
Kestutis Zeimys Alex Naumi
18:30 Ended
Kestutis Zeimys
6 8 8
Alex Naumi
11 11 11
Edin Konjic Sergei Petrov
17:50 Ended
Edin Konjic
16 11 7 11
Sergei Petrov
14 6 11 8
Benjamin Zijadic Maksim Vuhka
17:15 Ended
Benjamin Zijadic
11 11 5 9 12
Maksim Vuhka
3 9 11 11 10
Ediin Gutic Madis Moos
16:40 Ended
Ediin Gutic
9 12 4 5
Madis Moos
11 10 11 11
Edin Konjic Maksim Vuhka
16:05 Ended
Edin Konjic
9 11 6 7
Maksim Vuhka
11 8 11 11
Benjamin Zijadic Sergei Petrov
15:30 Ended
Benjamin Zijadic
11 10 11 11
Sergei Petrov
8 12 7 9
Benedek Olah Vladislav Ursu
13:15 Ended
Benedek Olah
8 9 8
Vladislav Ursu
11 11 11
Christos Theofanous Paul McCreery
12:50 To be fixed
Christos Theofanous
Paul McCreery
Kas Van Oost Martin Froseth
12:50 To be fixed
Kas Van Oost
Martin Froseth
Ibrahim Gunduz Ioannis Sgouropoulos
12:50 To be fixed
Ibrahim Gunduz
Ioannis Sgouropoulos
Sharpel Elia Alexander Gillen
12:30 Ended
Sharpel Elia
5 7 7
Alexander Gillen
11 11 11
Harrison Docherty Yoan Velichkov
12:30 Ended
Harrison Docherty
3 3 8
Yoan Velichkov
11 11 11
Gabrielius Camara Borgar Haug
12:30 Ended
Gabrielius Camara
11 9 11 11
Borgar Haug
7 11 9 6
Abdullah Yigenler Konstantinos Angelakis
12:30 Ended
Abdullah Yigenler
5 12 11 2
Konstantinos Angelakis
11 10 13 11
Ignas Sisanovas Alvaro Robles
12:30 To be fixed
Ignas Sisanovas
Alvaro Robles
Milo De Boer Alexander Fransson
12:10 Ended
Milo De Boer
10 15 11 7
Alexander Fransson
12 17 3 11
Lukas Rimkus Juan Perez
12:10 Ended
Lukas Rimkus
4 5 9
Juan Perez
11 11 11
Ziver Gunduz Konstantinos Konstantinopoulos
12:10 Ended
Ziver Gunduz
11 9 3
Konstantinos Konstantinopoulos
13 11 11
Alex Naumi Vladislav Ursu
12:05 Ended
Alex Naumi
8 6 8
Vladislav Ursu
11 11 11
Christos Theofanous Alexander Gillen
11:50 Ended
Christos Theofanous
2 7 2
Alexander Gillen
11 11 11
Ibrahim Gunduz Konstantinos Angelakis
11:50 Ended
Ibrahim Gunduz
6 14 8 7
Konstantinos Angelakis
11 12 11 11
Kestutis Zeimys Alvaro Robles
11:50 Ended
Kestutis Zeimys
8 3 8
Alvaro Robles
11 11 11
Kas Van Oost Borgar Haug
11:50 Ended
Kas Van Oost
9 12 4 11 11
Borgar Haug
11 10 11 4 7
Sharpel Elia Paul McCreery
11:30 Ended
Sharpel Elia
10 11 7 11
Paul McCreery
12 7 11 13
Benedek Olah Andrei Putuntica
11:30 Ended
Benedek Olah
6 10 9
Andrei Putuntica
11 12 11
Harrison Docherty Denislav Kodjabashev
11:30 Ended
Harrison Docherty
11 6 12 1
Denislav Kodjabashev
7 11 14 11
Ignas Sisanovas Daniel Berzosa
11:30 To be fixed
Ignas Sisanovas
Daniel Berzosa
Gabrielius Camara Martin Froseth
11:30 Ended
Gabrielius Camara
10 8 11 11 11
Martin Froseth
12 11 5 8 7
Abdullah Yigenler Ioannis Sgouropoulos
11:30 Ended
Abdullah Yigenler
11 11 11
Ioannis Sgouropoulos
9 8 7
Loic Stoll Calum Morrison
11:30 Ended
Loic Stoll
11 6 9 10
Calum Morrison
7 11 11 12
Sergei Petrov Deniss Vasiljevs
9:10 Ended
Sergei Petrov
11 10 11 11
Deniss Vasiljevs
4 12 5 9